Founder celebrates 103rd birthday
John “Jack” O’Donnell celebrated his 103rd birthday at his home with family & friends.
John “Jack” O’Donnell celebrated his 103rd birthday at his home with family & friends.
O’Donnell & Associates is conducting its 4th revaluation program for the Town of Sumner. Fieldwork begins this week and the project will be delivered in September 2024.
Five of our assessors are attending classes at the 76th Annual Maine Property Tax School.
This year, O’Donnell & Associates will conduct tax commitments in 36 Maine towns. To see if your town has committed, go to our home page or the CAMA compilation page here: Click on your town and look at the right-hand sidebar to see the commitment date.
O’Donnell & Associates’ website is back up & fully functioning. If you have problems, please hit “Refresh” or restart your browser. Thanks for your patience.
Greg Clifford is congratulated by John O’Donnell for passing the Certified Maine Assessor exam. Greg is the 6th CMA on staff at O’Donnell & Associates.
O’Donnell & Associates will conduct the sixth revaluation for the Town of Limerick in the last 45 years. Revaluation is needed to re-establish equity in assessed values across all property types. Limerick is committed to fairness for its tax payers.
The revaluation program in Mechanic Falls is close to the end. When proposed values are available, links to the information will be posted on our website here:
it is time for assessing field work. Our employees always check in with the town office to let them know when we are in town for field work.
John E. O’Donnell & Associates, Inc.
632 Bald Hill Road
New Gloucester, ME 04260
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