Spring is here…
Except at the highest elevations. Our fieldwork schedule is busy as we fit in visits to all of our 36 towns.
Jack’s 101st Birthday
Company founder, John E. O’Donnell Jr., celebrated his 101st birthday with family at his home last week.
COVID-19 Tax Provisions to Expire
While ordinarily the deadline for filing applications for certain property tax exemptions and current land use programs applications is April 1 to be effective for that year’s municipal property tax commitment, Executive Orders temporarily extended the 2021 deadline to either the commitment date of the municipality or 30 days after the termination of the declared
Current Land Use Programs
The State of Maine has four “current use” programs that offer the property owner a reduction in assessed value: Farmland, Open Space, Tree Growth, and Working Waterfront. The programs establish valuation of property at its current use, rather than at market value. Click here for State info.
Thank you notes are nice
Paul Binette has been with O’Donnell & Associates for 29 years. His experience shines through when he is helping folks.
American Rescue Plan
Bright Future for Maine Towns The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress has money allocated to individual communities in Maine. See the list by town here.
4/1/21 due date extended
Governor Extends Application Deadline for Certain Property Tax Exemptions and Current Use Applications In March of 2020, Governor Janet T. Mills issued two Executive Orders that extended the deadline for filing applications for certain property tax exemptions and for current land use programs. The deadlines, normally April 1 of each year, were extended to either the