
Livermore stays on schedule

The Town of Livermore is prepared and funded for a 2020 Revaluation.  The town wisely spread out the cost over several years’ budgets.  Now they are all set to assure equity and fairness for all property owners.

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Poverty-Hardship Abatements Class

Over a dozen town staff and selectmen from Franklin and Oxford County towns attended the recent O’Donnell & Associates class on how to handle poverty or hardship abatement applications.  Experienced assessors, Paul Binette and Michael O’Donnell, presented real life examples and recent precedents at the appellate court level.  The class was offered to client towns

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Canton 2019 Revaluation Scheduled

The Town of Canton hired O’Donnell & Associates for two previous equalization programs in 1985 and 2005, and has approved a new revaluation.  Canton’s board members are keenly aware that a good inventory and equitable values are the only way to maintain fairness for all property owners.  O’Donnell staff will be in the field this

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Assessors Save Lives

A woman from Boothbay called to thank the two assessors who came to her house and saved her life. They arrived while she was having a heart attack and called 911 on her behalf.  She is well today and grateful.  During two other field visits this season (in Acton & Greene), an assessor found a

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Shapleigh Revaluation Underway

The Town of Shapleigh has been an O’Donnell & Associates client since 1993. The new equalization program will be the third reval with us.  One senior staffer recognizes many properties from previous visits.  Continuity of staff and assessment practice are valuable elements of our work for long-term clients.

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